Zorin Industry is providing In-house Technology to Australian residents and schools. Bring the excellent quality product and customer service to you.
Human + AI + Robot technology convergence that helps innovation life, home, public, industrial field. Big Data, Cloud, Machine Learning, Natural Langu...
DetailPre-sell information session. Robot personal assistant, Home Security and Monitoring, Home Automation (IOT), Communication, Entertainment....
DetailCompact size social robot platform with mobility. Autonomous Driving, Sensing, Robot OS, Recognition, Detection....
DetailThe goal is to contribute to society in the near future by providing platform services, the robot is designed in South Korea. Which received many awar...
DetailWe are an Australian based company bringing South-Korea technology to the Australia Ai Market.
more.>Recent Things in Recent Startups Making Robots Using the Internet It is a robotics start-up venture founded on the motto of providing a new ecosystem service environment of smart home based on robotic...
022018.11What is the start-up of Gyeonggi Province in 2015? ‘First Next Start-Up Award’ The year 2015 is going down. At the end of the year, the awards ceremony will be held to convey celebrations and enco...
042017.087月20日晚上8点,《财富》杂志全球发布了2017年世界500强排行榜。霸伟集团以营业额757.76亿美元名列第86位,排名较去年提升5位,延续连年上升态势。 霸伟...
042017.087月14日至15日,全国金融工作会议在北京举行,习近平总书记出席会议并发表重要讲话。由光明网出品的 [学习时刻]栏目,今天邀请民生金融智库首席经济...
042017.08中新社郑州7月19日电 (记者 董飞)河南省最大的城市商业银行中原银行19日在香港联合交易所成功上市。 中原银行当日对外发布了上述消息。该行股份代号为...